Scott Dutton, Assistant Director of Georgia Bureau of Investigation |
Scott Dutton, Assistant Director of Georgia Bureau of Investigation |
The Registry shows that 33 of these sex offenders are sexual predators. In Georgia, a sexual predator is an individual who is determined by the Sexual Offender Registration Review Board to be at risk of perpetrating any future dangerous sexual offense.
The Registry also shows that 94 of these sex offenders are currently incarcerated.
Sex offenders in Georgia remain on the Sexual Offender Registry for life unless removed by a court order or other legal means. Any individual who fails to register when required “shall be guilty of a felony and shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than one nor more than 30 years,” according to the Georgia Bureau of Investigation.
If a sex offender moves to another county in the state of Georgia or another state in the US, they are required to register with the Sheriff in their new county or state of residence., a security think tank, found the number of sex offenders in the US increases by roughly 32,000 a year.
Offender | Status | Crime |
Aaron Tarrance Bell | Not incarcerated | Indecent liberties with a child |
Abdulai Kabia | Not incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Adam Kristopher Morse | Not incarcerated | Obscene internet contact - obscene communication |
Alejandro Ramos | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Alex Escarmant | Not incarcerated | Sexual battery (2nd or subsequent conviction) |
Alexander Humberto Roura | Not incarcerated | Sexual battery against a child under 16 years of age |
Alexander Rene Lewis | Not incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Allen Warren Atcheson | Not incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Amar Yeran Ramlall | Not incarcerated | Criminal attempt to commit child molestation |
Andre Matino | Not incarcerated | Sexual exploitation of children |
Andres Cobrerougarte | Not incarcerated | Criminal attempt to commit child molestation |
Andrew Colby Dao | Not incarcerated | Sexual assault, lewd or lascivious battery |
Andrew Kim | Not incarcerated | Sexual exploitation of children |
Angel Andrew Almaraz | Not incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Angel Gabriel Tobar | Not incarcerated | Sexual battery against a child under 16 years of age |
Angel Wilfredo Tavarez | Not incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Anthony Harris Gates | Incarcerated | Indecency assault and battery on child |
Anthony Holden | Not incarcerated | Criminal attempt to commit a felony |
Anthony Johnson | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Anthony Mark Echols | Not incarcerated | Rape |
Anthony Miles | Not incarcerated | Criminal sexual conduct 1st degree (child under 13) |
Anthony Simboyan Russ | Not incarcerated | Cruelty to children |
Antonio Drone Brown | Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Antonio Terrell Pickney | Not incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Armani Deray Gordon | Not incarcerated | Sodomy - felony |
Arni Andradechavez | Not incarcerated | Criminal attempt to commit a felony |
Arron Johnson | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Arsenio Marcel Hall | Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Arthur O. Pruitt | Not incarcerated | Rape 1st degree, forcible compulsion |
Atlas Lamar | Incarcerated | Aggravated assault with an intent to rape |
Augustin Ortiz Guillen | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Austin Marshall Green | Not incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Baribefe Monkpe | Not incarcerated | Obscene internet contact - obscene communication |
Barry Eugene Scott | Not incarcerated | Enticing a child for indecent purposes |
Barry Leonard Krieger Jr. | Not incarcerated | Sexual exploitation of children |
Benjamin Keith Richardson | Not incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Billy Ray Norris | Not incarcerated | False imprisonment of a minor |
Bobby Lee Seay | Not incarcerated | Sexual offense |
Brad Hatter | Incarcerated | Federal/military sex crime conviction |
Bradley Michael Vogel | Not incarcerated | Rape |
Bradley Nelson Stephens | Not incarcerated | Incest |
Bradley Russell Duckett | Not incarcerated | Sexual exploitation of children |
Brandon Daniel Grunnet | Not incarcerated | Computer child pornography |
Brandon Joseph Thigpen | Not incarcerated | Sexual misconduct with a minor |
Brandon Matthew Owens | Not incarcerated | Rape 2nd degree |
Brandon Paul Kahn | Not incarcerated | Sexual exploitation of children |
Brendon John Spaar | Not incarcerated | Sexual exploitation of children |
Brett Chapman Smith | Not incarcerated | Obscene internet contact - obscene communication |
Brett Jerome Cox | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Brettlee Sean Riley | Not incarcerated | Sexual exploitation of children |
Brian Brown | Not incarcerated | Sexual battery against a child under 16 years of age |
Brian Clifton Gainey | Not incarcerated | Criminal sexual conduct with a minor in the 2nd degree |
Brian Keith Carswell | Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Brian Riall | Not incarcerated | Lewd or lascivious acts with a minor |
Bryan Andrew Haldy | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Bryan Tin Huynh | Not incarcerated | Child annoyance and molestation |
Calvin Lee Brown | Not incarcerated | Human trafficking |
Carl Alan Brooks | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Carl Eugene Long | Not incarcerated | Forcible rape aggavated crime against nature |
Carl Frederick Gardei | Not incarcerated | Sexual assault |
Carlos Joaquin Agudello | Not incarcerated | Aggravated incest |
Carlos Lamont Kinchen | Not incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Carlos Manuel Cuadrado | Incarcerated | Sodomy - felony |
Carlos Osorio | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Carlos Ramon Hester | Not incarcerated | -- |
Carlton Douglas Jackson | Not incarcerated | Federal/military sex crime conviction |
Cecil Obrien Owens | Not incarcerated | Sexual assault on a victim helpless |
Cesar Cano Esquivel | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Chaaz Edward Williams | Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Charles A. Grant | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Charles Andrew Roberts Jr. | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Charles Jackson Sr. | Not incarcerated | Rape |
Charles Lynwood Scott | Not incarcerated | Criminal sexual conduct first - degree (victim under 13) |
Charles Richard Rutledge Jr. | Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Charles Watkins | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Charlie James Lambert | Incarcerated | Rape |
Che White | Not incarcerated | Indecent assault on a child |
Chinh Van Doan | Not incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Christian Albert Talpes | Not incarcerated | Sexual battery against a child under 16 years of age |
Christian Michael Stephens | Not incarcerated | Sodomy - felony |
Christopher Allan Cummings | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Christopher Brian Snell | Not incarcerated | Possession of child pornography on computer |
Christopher Edward Nelms | Not incarcerated | Sexual battery against a child under 16 years of age |
Christopher James Landry | Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Christopher Kennith Miller | Not incarcerated | Furnishing/distributing obscene material to minors |
Christopher Lamont Harrington | Not incarcerated | Indecent liberties with a child |
Christopher Lynne Turner | Not incarcerated | Criminal sexual conduct 3rd degree |
Christopher Ricardo Shorter | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Christopher Wayne MacK | Not incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Christopher Xavier Cannon | Not incarcerated | Criminal attempt to commit child molestation |
Clarence Antonio Guest | Not incarcerated | Sodomy - felony |
Clarence Marrow | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Clayton Lee Edmonds | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Cliff Glausier | Not incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Clint Allen Smith | Not incarcerated | Federal/military sex crime conviction |
Clint C. Baker | Not incarcerated | Rape |
Clinton Saintvil | Incarcerated | Federal/military sex crime conviction |
Cody Edward Orcutt | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Corey Antione Williams | Not incarcerated | Aggravated sexual assault of a child |
Corey Darrell Gonder | Not incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Corey Everett Jackson | Not incarcerated | Pimping of a person under 18 years of age |
Cortez D. Todd Pringle | Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Cory Lavelle Clevenger | Not incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Courtney Damon Lewis | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Craig Joseph Morgan | Not incarcerated | Rape |
Craig P. Ratajczak | Not incarcerated | Possession of material depicting a sexual conduct by a child |
Craig Scott Bookout | Incarcerated | Criminal sexual conduct 3rd degree |
Craig William Sallee | Not incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Cristian Alexander Lopez | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Cristian Joshue Garcia | Not incarcerated | Obscene internet contact - obscene communication |
Cynthia Callahan Cook | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Daelehn Arthur Jordan | Incarcerated | Sexual exploitation of children |
Dale Hee Lee | Not incarcerated | Criminal attempt to commit child molestation |
Dale Lloyd Sink | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Dale Phontaine Mickens | Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Dallas Derald Mellichamp | Not incarcerated | Indecency with a child through sexual contact |
Damion A. Grant | Not incarcerated | Attempted second degree, child sexual abuse |
Damylo Devonte Morrow | Not incarcerated | Sexual battery against a child under 16 years of age |
Daniel Anthony Fusco | Not incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Daniel James Brannum | Not incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Daniel Lee Case | Not incarcerated | Criminal attempt to commit child molestation |
Daniel Wayne Shipp | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Danny Ray Hanners | Not incarcerated | Rape |
Dante Gerald Thompson | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Darius Lamont Watson | Not incarcerated | Pimping for prostitute over 16 |
Darrick D. Miller | Not incarcerated | 2nd degree sexual assualt of a child |
Darril Martin | Not incarcerated | Aggravated assault with an intent to rape |
Darryl Legrand Wafford | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
David Antonio Grajales | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
David Arthur Therriault | Not incarcerated | -- |
David Brandon Powell Williams | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
David Bremen Walker | Incarcerated | Child molestation |
David Brian Simpson | Not incarcerated | Statutory rape |
David Burch | Not incarcerated | Sexual abuse 1st degree |
David Castanon | Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
David Coppedge Barbour | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
David Eugene Floyd | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
David James Camaran | Not incarcerated | Rape |
David Jay Blackmon | Not incarcerated | -- |
David Joseph Jorgensen | Not incarcerated | Lewd or lascivious acts with a child 14 to 15 years of age |
David Keith Obrien | Not incarcerated | Statutory rape |
David Kriss Kyle | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
David Lee Griffin | Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
David Lloyd Dunston | Not incarcerated | Indecent liberties with a minor |
David Mandfred Maddox | Not incarcerated | Obscene internet contact - obscene communication |
David Michael Soles | Not incarcerated | Statutory rape |
David Randall Scott | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
David Salomon | Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
David Tomlinson Dyke | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
David Vaughn Cranshaw | Incarcerated | Sexual abuse of children |
Davon Leonard Debman | Not incarcerated | Sexual battery |
Deandre Marcel Houston | Not incarcerated | Criminal sexual conduct second degree |
Dedrick Shammar Cash | Not incarcerated | Enticing a child for indecent purposes |
Delmar S. Hawkins | Not incarcerated | Attempted molestation of a child |
Demetrius Edward Taylor | Incarcerated | False imprisonment of a minor |
Demetrius Miguel Render | Not incarcerated | Aggravated assault with an intent to rape |
Dennis Alexander | Not incarcerated | Aggravated assault with an intent to rape |
Dennis Justin Moore | Not incarcerated | Sexual battery against a child under 16 years of age |
Denzel Mark Scott | Incarcerated | Sexual battery (2nd or subsequent conviction) |
Deonte Jamar Stewart | Not incarcerated | Sexual battery against a child under 16 years of age |
Derrick Jerome Anderson | Not incarcerated | False imprisonment of a minor |
Derrick Lamont Daniel | Not incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Derrick Montgomery | Not incarcerated | Sexual assault 3rd degree |
Deshaun Anthony Howell | Not incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Deshoun Andre Irving | Incarcerated | Aggravated sodomy |
Desmond Barnett | Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Dhavalkumar Arvind Bharucha | Not incarcerated | Obscene internet contact - obscene communication |
Dijon Icon Williams | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Dilan Auvray Lara Olvera | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Dino Angelo Pancaro | Not incarcerated | Possession of child pornography |
Don Gordon Walton | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Don Juan Gosier | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Donald Anthony Lankford | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Donald Casey Moore | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Donald Edward Priddy | Not incarcerated | Possession of child pornography |
Donald Eugene Dixon | Incarcerated | Criminal sexual conduct 2nd degree |
Donald Wayne Snyder | Not incarcerated | Sexual exploitation of children |
Donald William Smith | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Donny Maldonado | Not incarcerated | Predatory criminal sexual assault of a child |
Dontiez Lamar McKinnon | Not incarcerated | Enticing a child for indecent purposes |
Dorian Alexander Lane | Not incarcerated | Sexual battery against a child under 16 years of age |
Douglas Guinn Elkins Jr. | Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Douglas Robert Tarsa | Not incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Douglas Shane Carter | Not incarcerated | Attempted aggravated sexual battery |
Douglas Wayne Hannigan | Not incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Dudley Blake Harris | Incarcerated | Criminal attempt to commit a felony |
Dujuan Jamarlee Clark | Not incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Dustin Denard Davis | Not incarcerated | Rape |
Dustin Van Edwards | Not incarcerated | Trafficking of persons for sexual servitude |
Dwain Landell Baldon | Not incarcerated | Indecency with a child by exposure |
Eddie Plunkett | Not incarcerated | Aggravated sodomy |
Eduardo Ordonez-Becerra | Not incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Edward Eliot Kramer | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Edward Harold Ramsey | Not incarcerated | Possession of child pornography on computer |
Edward Paul Wood | Not incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Edward Rankin | Not incarcerated | Kidnapping |
Edward Roland Weeden | Not incarcerated | Sexual battery by an adult on a victim under 12 |
Edward Stanley Snider | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Eliseo Granados | Not incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Elishah Lee Hych | Not incarcerated | Criminal attempt to commit a felony |
Elizabeth Richelle Mask | Not incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Elliott Charles Watson | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Emanuel Velez | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Emmanuel C. Hernandez | Not incarcerated | Sexual exploitation of children |
Emory Darrell Vaughn | Not incarcerated | Sodomy - felony |
Emory Earl Faux | Not incarcerated | Unlawful contact or communication with a minor |
Eric Alan Burgess | Not incarcerated | Sexual exploitation of children |
Eric Glenn Hicks | Not incarcerated | Rape |
Erick Emmanuel Richardson | Incarcerated | Sodomy - felony |
Ernest Jamarre Lee | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Ernest Johnson | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Ernest L. Gregory | Not incarcerated | -- |
Ethan Maritizo Larkin | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Eugene Edward Pauldo | Incarcerated | Lewd or lascivious battery and sexual act with a victim 12 to 15 years of age |
Ever Becerra | Not incarcerated | Sexual battery against a child under 16 years of age |
Federico Edmundo Desantos | Not incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Felicia Shonta Hall | Not incarcerated | Sexual battery against a child under 16 years of age |
Felipe Dejesus Pineda | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Ferman Velasco Jr. | Not incarcerated | Sexual exploitation of children |
Frank Paul Chilli Jr. | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Frank William Berman III | Not incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Franklin DeWitt Walker | Not incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Franky Antonio Harris | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Freddie Rahn | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Freddymar Ocasiopagan | Not incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Frederick Rodzel Knight | Not incarcerated | Sexual abuse of a minor 2nd degree |
Galen Michael Dockman | Not incarcerated | Cruelty to children |
Gary Donnell Parsons | Incarcerated | Rape second degree |
Gary Ronald Adams Jr. | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Geoffrey John Tarbuck | Not incarcerated | Sexual exploitation of children |
George McGee | Not incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
George William Seed | Not incarcerated | Sexual battery |
Gerald Christopher Andujar | Not incarcerated | Criminal sexual conduct first degree |
Gerald Christopher Casey | Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Gerald Melvin Jones | Not incarcerated | Enticing a child for indecent purposes |
Gerald Thomas Holler Jr. | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Gerald Weatherspoon | Not incarcerated | Rape |
Gesart Hoxha | Not incarcerated | Indecency with a child by contact |
Gilbert Archuleta | Not incarcerated | Sexual assault third degree |
Glenn Douglas Moon Jr. | Not incarcerated | Criminal sexual conduct with a minor 2nd degree |
Grady Davis | Not incarcerated | Pimping of a person under 18 years of age |
Gregory Clyde Griffith | Not incarcerated | -- |
Guy Celestin | Not incarcerated | Indecent assault and battery |
Harry Cisneros | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Harvy Emil Benitez | Not incarcerated | Sexual battery against a child under 16 years of age |
Hector Edwin Prieto | Not incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Hector Verdugo | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Henry Gene Roberson | Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Herman Gordon Hutson Jr. | Not incarcerated | Trafficking of persons for sexual servitude |
Horace Dwayne Bryant Jr. | Not incarcerated | Rape 1st degree |
Hwan Chul Chung | Not incarcerated | Sexual battery |
Hysunn Rowan | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Indalecio Atilano | Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Isaac Joseph Obermeyer | Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Isaiah Duberry | Not incarcerated | Criminal sexual conduct with minor 2nd degree |
Ishmon Peterson Jr. | Incarcerated | Rape |
Isidro Vasquez Jr. | Not incarcerated | Lewd or lascivious act with a child under 16 years of age |
Ivan Faustino Padron | Not incarcerated | Sexual battery against a child under 16 years of age |
Jack A. Reeck | Not incarcerated | Cruelty to children |
Jackson Chambers | Incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Jacob Austin Shepherd | Incarcerated | Sexual battery against a child under 16 years of age |
Jahad Paul Robinson | Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Jake Ryan Barillari | Not incarcerated | Cruelty to children |
Jamario Cortez Snow | Not incarcerated | Statutory rape |
James Austin Eley | Not incarcerated | Incest |
James Bret Alexander | Incarcerated | Criminal sexual conduct |
James Brewer Jr. | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
James Edward Sweeley | Not incarcerated | Aggravated sexual battery |
James Edward Taylor Jr. | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
James Gregory Ingram | Not incarcerated | Sexual exploitation of children |
James Lavirt Netters | Not incarcerated | Criminal attempt to commit child molestation |
James Loren Kuhnly | Not incarcerated | Sexual battery of a child under 12 years of age |
James Michael Duke | Not incarcerated | -- |
James Michael Hollis | Incarcerated | Possession of child pornography on computer |
James Mitchell Stanley | Not incarcerated | Sexual battery against a child under 16 years of age |
James Rueben Park | Not incarcerated | Sexual exploitation of children |
James Smith | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
James Thomas Boatright | Not incarcerated | Rape |
James Titko | Not incarcerated | Cruelty to children |
James William Howard Jr. | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Jason Aragon | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Jason Dennis Calvert | Not incarcerated | Rape |
Jason Kenneth Krause | Not incarcerated | Federal/military sex crime conviction |
Jay Huston Williams Jr. | Not incarcerated | Rape 2nd degree |
Jc Thomas Bower | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Jeffery Bruce Hartel | Not incarcerated | Sexual battery of a child under 12 years of age |
Jeffery James Bucchino | Incarcerated | Criminal solicitation of a minor |
Jeffrey Antoine Farneski | Incarcerated | Sexual exploitation of children |
Jeffrey Michael Declouet | Incarcerated | Sexual exploitation of children |
Jeffrey Reginald Williams | Not incarcerated | 2nd degree sexual assault of a child |
Jeffrey Samuel Rich | Not incarcerated | Federal/military sex crime conviction |
Jeremy Edward Bolding | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Jeremy Robert Griffin | Not incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Jerin Royelton Lloyd | Not incarcerated | Pandering obscenity involving a minor |
Jerome Smith | Not incarcerated | 3rd degree sexual offense |
Jerry Dale Howard Jr. | Not incarcerated | Rape |
Jerry Joseph Jameson | Not incarcerated | Possession of child pornography on computer |
Jerry Lawrence Koch | Not incarcerated | Criminal attempt to commit a felony |
Jerry Lee Larocque | Not incarcerated | Rape |
Jesse Aaron Miller | Not incarcerated | Federal/military sex crime conviction |
Jesse D. Marquardt | Not incarcerated | Criminal attempt to commit a felony |
Jessie Lee Bell | Not incarcerated | Criminal attempt to commit a felony |
Jimmy Lee Fleming | Not incarcerated | Indecent acts upon a child |
Joel Wesley Hartenbower | Not incarcerated | Possession of child pornography and obscene material |
John Anthony Blas | Not incarcerated | Statutory rape |
John Cepeda Ross | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
John Ellice Benson | Not incarcerated | Rape 1st degree |
John Gregory Coleman | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
John Jason Jones | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
John Lee | Not incarcerated | Aggravated assault with an intent to rape |
John Lundberg Andersen Jr. | Not incarcerated | Sexual abuse of a minor 2nd degree |
John Mark Cotti | Not incarcerated | Aggravated criminal sexual abuse |
John Russell Westbrook Jr. | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
John Shannon Brady | Not incarcerated | Statutory rape |
John Thomas Dantonio | Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Johnathan M. Rutledge | Not incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Johnny E. Stone | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Johnny Ray Collins | Not incarcerated | Aggravated sexual assault |
Jon Edwin Spears | Not incarcerated | Lewd or lascivious behavior with a child 12 years of age |
Jonathan Boyd | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Jonathan David Chavez | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Jonathan Harrison Miller | Not incarcerated | Lascivious acts with a child |
Jonathan Jaistron Williams | Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Jonathan Toan Tran | Not incarcerated | Obscene telephone contact with a child |
Jonathon Valdez | Not incarcerated | Online solicitation of minor |
Joon Ha Kim | Not incarcerated | Sexual exploitation of children |
Jose Alfredo Berber | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Jose Alfredo Perez Diaz | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Jose Luis Maya | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Joseph Craig Moore | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Joseph D. Marshall | Not incarcerated | 2nd degree sexual assault of a child |
Joseph Ivory Ford | Not incarcerated | Aggravated assault with an intent to rape |
Joseph John Riley | Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Joseph Oneil Jenkins | Not incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Joseph Raphael Cruz | Not incarcerated | Sexual battery against a child under 16 years of age |
Joseph William Anderson | Not incarcerated | Aggravated assault |
Joshua David Northington | Not incarcerated | False imprisonment of a minor |
Joshua James Simmons | Incarcerated | Aggravated assault |
Joshua Jeffery Beasley | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Joshua Lee Janess | Not incarcerated | Sexual exploitation of children |
Joshua Ricky Hobgood | Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Josse Jovel | Not incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Josue Solorio | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Juan Antonio Johnson | Not incarcerated | Lewd or lascivious act on a child under 16 |
Juan Carlos Cueto | Not incarcerated | Sodomy - felony |
Juan Carlos Fuenzalida Jr. | Not incarcerated | Sexual exploitation of children |
Juan Chevere | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Juan Espinoza Salcedo | Not incarcerated | Possession of child pornography on computer |
Juan Manuel Galvez | Not incarcerated | Possession of child pornography on computer |
Juan Ruben Cisneros | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Julian Dale Pipkins | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Julio Cesar Ostorga | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Justin David Ricks | Not incarcerated | Possession of child pornography on computer |
Justin Hayward Duncan | Not incarcerated | Possession of child pornography on computer |
Justin Ray Ford | Not incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Justo Ramus Alonso | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Kamal Willis | Not incarcerated | Attempt to commit criminal sexual conduct |
Kamau Lujoh Genama | Not incarcerated | False imprisonment of a minor |
Kareem Patrick Duclos | Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Kari Lynn Bryan | Not incarcerated | Sexual assault against person in custody, on probation or parole, patient in a hospital etc |
Karon Katrell Billups | Not incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Kemund Lamont Lee | Not incarcerated | Second degree rape |
Kendrick Darnell Thomas | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Kenneth Alan Perry | Not incarcerated | Federal/military sex crime conviction |
Kenneth Albert Wilson | Not incarcerated | Aggravated sodomy |
Kenneth Anim | Not incarcerated | Incest |
Kenneth Armstrong | Not incarcerated | Aggravated assault with an intent to rape |
Kenneth Brinson | Not incarcerated | Rape |
Kenneth Leverne Jones | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Kenneth Robinson | Not incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Kevin Elton Gann | Not incarcerated | Rape |
Kevin Joel Keizer | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Kevin Joseph Brown | Not incarcerated | Enticing a child for indecent purposes |
Kevin Phifer | Not incarcerated | Sexual exploitation of children |
Khald Bouzid | Not incarcerated | Possession of child pornography on computer |
Khaleel Alhaboosh | Incarcerated | Sexual battery against a child under 16 years of age |
Khalil Emmanuel McClinton | Not incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Kimberly Fox Schell | Not incarcerated | Sexual battery against a child under 16 years of age |
Koris Williams Jennings | Not incarcerated | Sexual assault |
Kristopher Ray Neese | Not incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Kurt Patrick Piper-Blake | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Lance Joseph Roubleau | Not incarcerated | Sexual battery against a child under 16 years of age |
Lance Kyle Browder | Not incarcerated | Aggravated sexual battery |
Larry Leboeuf | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Larry Lorenzo McGlothin | Not incarcerated | Criminal sexual conduct second degree |
Lee Anthony Sanders | Not incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Leon Bernard Phillips | Not incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Leon Davis | Not incarcerated | Sexual battery (2nd or subsequent conviction) |
Leslie Monroe Corbett | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Levanous Montague | Not incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Lian K. Sang | Not incarcerated | Cruelty to children |
Lorriston R. Edwards | Not incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Louis Hill | Not incarcerated | Sexual battery |
Lucas Larenzo Wash | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Luis Alfonso Garcia | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Luis Alfredo Sanchez | Not incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Luis Enriquez Perezreyes | Not incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Marcus A. Austell | Not incarcerated | Rape |
Marcus Allen Gamble | Not incarcerated | Criminal attempt to commit a felony |
Marcus Ray Bellew | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Mario Alberto Divas | Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Mario Gonzales | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Mario Lareese Hood | Not incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Mario Lashun Beasley | Not incarcerated | Rape |
Mario Leopoldo Sibert | Not incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Mark Andrew Boyd | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Mark Daniel Scott Jr. | Not incarcerated | Aggravated sodomy |
Mark Douglas Niedzwiecki | Not incarcerated | Aggravated sexual assault |
Marlin Alonzo Meeks | Not incarcerated | Sexual battery |
Marlon Enrique Najar | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Marlos Kewan Willingham | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Martin Cornell Lyons | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Martrez Azell Ogletree | Not incarcerated | Indecent solicitation of a child |
Mathew B. Ranzie | Not incarcerated | Sexual abuse 1st degree |
Mathew Scott Whelchel | Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Matteen Ali Beyah | Not incarcerated | Aggravated sex assault |
Matthew Allen Hertica | Not incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Matthew Allen Short | Incarcerated | Aggravated sexual assault of a child |
Matthew Christian McGuire | Not incarcerated | Lewd or lascivious exhibition using a computer |
Matthew Corey Lewis | Not incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Matthew Paul Rawsthorn | Not incarcerated | Indecent liberties with a child |
Maurice Anthony Morris | Not incarcerated | Sexual battery against a child under 16 years of age |
Maurice James Lewis | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Maurice Johnson | Not incarcerated | Assault with an intent to commit criminal sexual abuse |
Michael Alan Peck | Not incarcerated | Federal/military sex crime conviction |
Michael Andilla Gattie | Not incarcerated | Possession of child pornography on computer |
Michael Anthony Bell | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Michael Christopher Hardy | Not incarcerated | Possession of child pornography on computer |
Michael David Butler | Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Michael Domenick Leone | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Michael Dwayne Morgan | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Michael Eugene Blake | Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Michael Grady Marshall | Not incarcerated | Sexual exploitation of children |
Michael Horton | Not incarcerated | -- |
Michael J. Hargrave | Not incarcerated | Aggravated sexual battery |
Michael Jason Anderson | Incarcerated | Rape of a child in the first degree |
Michael Jeffery Bain | Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Michael Jeremy Olver | Not incarcerated | Sexual exploitation of children |
Michael Jermaine Jones | Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Michael Labron Henderson | Not incarcerated | Sexual assault against person in custody, on probation or parole, patient in a hospital etc |
Michael Lamar Davis | Incarcerated | Trafficking of persons for sexual servitude |
Michael Reid Martin | Not incarcerated | Enticing a child for indecent purposes |
Michael Thompson | Incarcerated | Sexual assault |
Michael Wade McNelly | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Michael William Deboer | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Miguel Eduardo Trejo Deavila | Not incarcerated | Sexual battery (2nd or subsequent conviction) |
Mikel Kedar Williamso Tillman | Not incarcerated | -- |
Mikle Wayne Bush | Not incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Mohabir Singh | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Mohammad Rizwan Abbasi | Not incarcerated | Obscene internet contact - obscene communication |
Montez Bernard Robertson | Incarcerated | Criminal attempt to commit a felony |
Monty Williams | Not incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Muhammad Abdullah Ali | Not incarcerated | Sexual exploitation of children |
Myra L. Sims | Not incarcerated | Rape of a child with force |
Nakia Jerrime Bedward | Incarcerated | Aggravated sexual battery |
Nathan Eric Smith | Not incarcerated | Sexual exploitation of children |
Neri Delarosa | Not incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Nicholas Alexander Bowen | Incarcerated | Obscene internet contact - obscene communication |
Nicholas Angelo Giancola | Not incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Nicholas Mauro | Not incarcerated | Sexual assault |
Nicholas Steven Survis | Not incarcerated | Sexual exploitation of children |
Nicolas Shaun Duquet | Not incarcerated | Criminal sexual conduct 3rd degree |
Noel Ellison | Not incarcerated | Aggravated sexual battery |
Norman Watt | Not incarcerated | Sexual abuse of a minor first degree |
Obak Shafik Wofford | Incarcerated | Federal/military sex crime conviction |
Oliver T. Nicholes | Not incarcerated | Rape |
Omar Torres | Not incarcerated | Rape |
Omotayo Alani Opeloye | Not incarcerated | Lewd or lascivious battery with a victim 12 years of age |
Orlando Miller | Not incarcerated | Assault with an intent to commit rape |
Oscar Diaz Serrano | Not incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Pablo Enrique Resendiz | Not incarcerated | Aggravated sodomy |
Paschall Lee Sanders | Not incarcerated | Second degree sexual assault of a child |
Patrick James Cook | Not incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Patrick L. Johnson | Not incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Patrick Larue Harriger | Incarcerated | Criminal attempt to commit a felony |
Paul Blair Buttrill | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Paul Brian Epperson | Not incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Paul Gerard Schieber | Not incarcerated | Sexual exploitation of children |
Paul Marvin Hood | Not incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Paul Timothy Webb | Not incarcerated | Sodomy 1st degree |
Perry James Floyd | Not incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Peter B. Privateer | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Phillip Edward Sawyer | Not incarcerated | Military sexual assault causing an injury |
Phillip Terrance Abariowei | Not incarcerated | Criminal attempt to commit child molestation |
Pierre Claude Cineas | Not incarcerated | Sexual abuse second degree |
Piti Chatchavalnon | Not incarcerated | Sexual battery against a child under 16 years of age |
Pushpa Raj Nepal | Not incarcerated | Obscene telephone contact with a child |
Quentin Felando Hosch | Not incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Quinn Ansley Parks | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Quinton Ray Floyd | Not incarcerated | Sexual exploitation of children |
Raheem Rashad McGuire | Not incarcerated | Indecent behavior with a juvenile |
Ralph Christopher Hill | Not incarcerated | Rape |
Randall Theo Cowart | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Randolph Lynnbert Hall | Not incarcerated | Sexual battery (2nd or subsequent conviction) |
Randolph Simmons | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Randy Joshua Aguilar | Not incarcerated | Aggravated assault with an intent to rape |
Rashan Malcolm Aboite | Incarcerated | Sexual battery against a child under 16 years of age |
Rashidul Haque | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Ray Lee Hajek | Not incarcerated | Indecent exposure |
Reginald Wells | Not incarcerated | Aggravated criminal sexual abuse |
Reinaldo Fournier | Not incarcerated | False imprisonment of a minor |
Reynaldo Alexis Larios | Not incarcerated | Sexual exploitation of children |
Rhomeo Devince Mitchell | Not incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Richard Allen Moffitt | Not incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Richard Allen Schalk | Not incarcerated | Sexual exploitation of children |
Richard Arsenault | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Richard Brent Swenson | Not incarcerated | Out of state offender - sexual offense |
Richard Chris Mathews | Not incarcerated | Crimes against children |
Richard Earl Barber | Not incarcerated | Obscene internet contact - obscene communication |
Richard Lance McDonald | Not incarcerated | Rape |
Richard Lee Fullwood | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Richard Lwayne Williams | Not incarcerated | Aggravated sexual battery |
Richard Martin | Not incarcerated | Sexual exploitation of children |
Richard Robinson | Not incarcerated | Rape |
Richard Russell Means Jr. | Not incarcerated | Rape |
Richard Skylar Brown | Not incarcerated | Obscene internet contact - obscene communication |
Richard William Court | Not incarcerated | Possession of a photo showing sexual performance by a child |
Richard Zachery Alexander | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Rickey Venell Ware | Not incarcerated | Rape |
Rickie Brown | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Ricky Lane Casper | Not incarcerated | Sexual exploitation of children |
Ricky Montoya Dunklin | Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Ricky Reena Terrell | Not incarcerated | Sexual battery |
Ricky Thompson | Not incarcerated | Rape |
Rico Sanchez McDaniel | Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Robert Alfred Raboud Jr. | Not incarcerated | Sexual exploitation of children |
Robert Anthony Baugh | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Robert Aubley Bailey | Not incarcerated | Criminal attempt to commit a felony |
Robert James Williams | Not incarcerated | Aggravated assault with an intent to rape |
Robert Lee Johnson | Not incarcerated | Lewd or lascivious acts with a child |
Robert Paul Pierce | Not incarcerated | Attempt to commit an aggravated indecent liberties with a child under 14, lewd, fondling, touching |
Robert Paul Wadford | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Robert Virgil Baucom | Not incarcerated | Use of minors with an obscene purpose |
Robert William Johannsen | Not incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Robin Larry Pardekooper | Not incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Rodney Lamont Black | Not incarcerated | Aggravated sexual battery |
Rodney Malcolme Fitts | Not incarcerated | Sexual battery |
Rodney Van Tobler | Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Rodrigo Monslave | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Rodrique Ramon Hart | Not incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Ron Pierre Broussard | Not incarcerated | Sodomy indecent act with a child |
Ronald Edward Keheley | Not incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Ronald Elliott Bibb | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Ronald Wayne Davis | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Ronnie Dean Rosser | Not incarcerated | Sexual battery on child by person with custodial authority |
Ronnie Joe Brown | Not incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Roosevelt Etchison Jr. | Not incarcerated | Rape |
Roscoe Carrollo Phillips | Not incarcerated | Lewd or lascivious molestation on a child 12 years of age |
Rothell Kent Keels | Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Rozious Montford | Not incarcerated | Enticing a child for indecent purposes |
Ruben Edgardo Reyes | Not incarcerated | Lewd and lascivious act on a child under 16 |
Ruben Regalado | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Rufino Vega Felix | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Russell James Broomfield | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Ryan Mahesh Sukhdeo | Not incarcerated | Criminal attempt to commit a felony |
Ryan Patrick Orourke | Not incarcerated | Possession of child pornography on computer |
Ryan Vincent Gooch | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Ryan Wayne Curtis | Incarcerated | Sexual battery against a child under 16 years of age |
Sacad Abdilahi Nour | Not incarcerated | Rape |
Samuel Antonio Colon | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Sang Don Nam | Not incarcerated | Federal/military sex crime conviction |
Santos William Medrano | Not incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Scott Lee Briggs | Not incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Scott Michael Kemeling | Not incarcerated | Aggravated statutory rape |
Scott Robert Baxter | Not incarcerated | Criminal attempt to commit a felony |
Sean A. Harrison | Not incarcerated | Child porn/pose/exhibition |
Senghor Delbeau | Not incarcerated | Trafficking of persons for sexual servitude |
Shannon Miles Banks | Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Sharon Larrnois Church | Not incarcerated | Aggravated sodomy |
Shawn Patrick Norcross | Not incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Shawn Stephen Labar | Not incarcerated | Attempted first degree sodomy |
Sheldon Innocent | Not incarcerated | Attempted sexual abuse 1st degree |
Shelton Scott Wallace | Incarcerated | Aggravated assault with an intent to rape |
Sherman Anthony Williams | Not incarcerated | Rape 2nd degree |
Shun Christopher Palmour | Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Silvestre Almazan | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Stacey Marvette Knight | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Stanley Joseph Lewicki III | Not incarcerated | Criminal sexual conduct |
Stanley Ridgeway | Not incarcerated | Indecent assault |
Stephen Andrew Perez | Not incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Stephen Craig Cowan | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Stephen Lawrence Williams | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Stephen Vincent Allen | Not incarcerated | Commit lewd act on a child under 16 years of age |
Stephon Midell Moten | Not incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Sterling Chase Brown | Not incarcerated | Criminal attempt to commit a felony |
Steve Adeyinaa Adesida | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Steven David McKimm | Not incarcerated | Lewd and lascivious molestation |
Steven Douglas Correll | Not incarcerated | Sexual exploitation of children |
Steven James Frierson | Not incarcerated | Criminal sexual act 2 victim under 15 |
Steven Lavon Calmese | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Steven Ray Burkhart | Not incarcerated | Possession of child pornography on computer |
Su Hoanh Ly | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Sung Hang Shin | Not incarcerated | Assault with an intent to commit rape |
Tarick Ahmed Alshaer | Not incarcerated | Aggravated assault |
Tarno Walters | Not incarcerated | Criminal attempt to commit a felony |
Tavien Robert Hartwell | Incarcerated | Criminal attempt to commit a felony |
Terone Donald Coleman | Not incarcerated | Pandering of a child |
Terrance Clark Lewis | Not incarcerated | Rape |
Terrance David Myers | Not incarcerated | Aggravated criminal sex abuse victim 13 less than 18 |
Terry Ashford | Incarcerated | Voyeurism |
Terry Hill | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Terry Lee Smith | Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Thao Truong | Not incarcerated | Child molestation in the first degree |
Theodore Andrew Lambert | Not incarcerated | Sexual exploitation of children |
Theodore Grant | Not incarcerated | Rape |
Theodore Stewart Wells | Not incarcerated | Rape 1st degree |
Thomas Blake Fisher | Incarcerated | Aggravated sexual battery |
Thomas Frederick Grimshaw | Not incarcerated | Sexual assault by teacher/assault principal/other administrator engaged in sexual contact with another individual enrolled at school |
Thomas Gordon | Not incarcerated | Sexual exploitation of children |
Thomas James Ivie | Not incarcerated | Federal/military sex crime conviction |
Thomas Kimbrough | Not incarcerated | Obscene internet contact - obscene communication |
Thomas Lebron Hill | Not incarcerated | -- |
Thomas Lee Varney | Not incarcerated | Out of state offender - sexual offense |
Thomas Louis Higgins | Not incarcerated | Kidnapping |
Thomas Patrick Pearl | Not incarcerated | Possession of child pornography |
Thomas Robert Calhoun | Not incarcerated | Rape |
Thomas Victor Sway | Not incarcerated | Receipt and attempted receipt of child pornography |
Thomas William Stacy | Not incarcerated | Sexual exploitation of children |
Thurmond Henderson | Not incarcerated | Rape |
Thurmond Wesley Hampton | Not incarcerated | Rape 1st degree |
Timothy Eugene Hilmo | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Timothy Hamley | Not incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Timothy James Schiesser | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Timothy Lee Bowman | Incarcerated | Sexual exploitation of children |
Timothy Lee Hillard | Not incarcerated | Obscene internet contact - obscene communication |
Timothy Whitney | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Tommy Roman Polus | Not incarcerated | Criminal sexual conduct 3rd degree |
Tony Bernard Burton | Not incarcerated | Sexual exploitation of children |
Tony Curtis Williams | Not incarcerated | Attempted aggravated sexual battery |
Torrain Lamel Melvin | Incarcerated | Rape second degree |
Tracey Lamont Glasco | Incarcerated | Rape |
Travis Lee Clark | Not incarcerated | Criminal attempt to commit a felony |
Trevor Quentin Robbie | Not incarcerated | Federal/military sex crime conviction |
Troung Vinh Tran | Incarcerated | Sexual abuse 3rd degree |
Tyre Quan White | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Tyreek Peters | Not incarcerated | Sexual exploitation of children |
Tyrek Nysonte Quander | Incarcerated | Criminal attempt to commit a felony |
Tyrone Gailbrel Thomas | Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Tyrone Robinson | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Tywan Tremayne Morris | Not incarcerated | Criminal attempt to commit child molestation |
Van Christopher Coleman | Incarcerated | Forcible sodomy deviate sexual intercourse by forcible compulsion |
Vern Gonzales Johnson | Not incarcerated | Rape |
Victor Brian Jackson | Not incarcerated | Sexual exploitation of children |
Victor Manuel Barreramontanez | Not incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Vincent Brentley Hall | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Vincent Charles Harrison | Not incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Vincent Troy Hardigree | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Wade Oneal Jr. | Not incarcerated | Sex misconduct / attempt involving child |
Walter G. Wallace | Not incarcerated | Sexual exploitation of children |
Walter Lional Knight | Not incarcerated | Criminal sexual conduct 4th degree (sex assault) |
Walter Mark Knight | Incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Walter Stephen Parker | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Warren Richards Williams | Not incarcerated | Incest |
Wayne Robert Fetterolf | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Wendell Michael Martin Jr. | Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Wendy Hatras | Not incarcerated | Sexual abuse |
Wesley James Pickerell | Incarcerated | Aggravated assault with an intent to rape |
Wilfredo Martinez | Not incarcerated | Sexual abuse 1st degree |
William Anthony Plummer | Not incarcerated | False imprisonment of a minor |
William Burke Clunan | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
William Calvin Jones | Incarcerated | Criminal attempt to commit a felony |
William Chris Jones | Not incarcerated | Federal/military sex crime conviction |
William David Warren | Not incarcerated | Possession of child pornography on computer |
William Henry English | Not incarcerated | Aggravated assault with an intent to rape |
William Joseph Burdette | Incarcerated | Child molestation |
William Joseph McCouch III | Not incarcerated | -- |
William Kaylor | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
William Lowell Atkins | Not incarcerated | Sexual exploitation of children |
Willie A. Keene | Incarcerated | Sexual abuse first degree |
Willie Whitehead | Incarcerated | Criminal sexual abuse |
Xavier Eugene Cooper | Not incarcerated | Criminal attempt to commit child molestation |
Xavier L. Desilva | Not incarcerated | 130 65 - sexual abuse 1 - contact by forcible compulsion |
Xavier Paige | Incarcerated | Sexual battery against a child under 16 years of age |
Young Jin Shim | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Zachary Joseph Bulman | Not incarcerated | Sexual exploitation of children |
Zachary Lorenz Rindlisbacher | Not incarcerated | Criminal attempt to commit a felony |
Zadok Smith | Not incarcerated | Possession of child pornography on computer |
Zeb Husain | Not incarcerated | Continuous sexual abuse of a child |
Zenobia Safiya Clark | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |
Zikay S. Erawoc | Not incarcerated | Child molestation |