Dr. Calvin J. Watts Superintendent | Gwinnett County Public Schools
Dr. Calvin J. Watts Superintendent | Gwinnett County Public Schools
Nearly two dozen schools in Gwinnett County have been acknowledged by the Georgia Department of Education for their Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) programs during the 2022-2023 school year. PBIS is a structured approach aimed at reducing disciplinary incidents, enhancing safety, and supporting academic outcomes through evidence-based behavioral practices.
The state has recognized 20 Gwinnett schools as "Distinguished" for their effective implementation of PBIS. These schools include Alcova ES, Anderson-Livsey ES, Archer HS, Baggett ES, Bay Creek MS, Beaver Ridge ES, Brookwood ES, Couch MS, Duncan Creek ES, Five Forks MS, Grayson ES, Harmony ES, Hopkins ES, Kanoheda ES, Lilburn ES, Lovin ES, Meadowcreek ES, Pharr ES, Sugar Hill ES and Trickum MS.
Schools with this designation are eligible for several benefits:
- A letter of recognition from State Superintendent Richard Woods
- A signed certificate from Superintendent Woods
- Five bonus points towards the School Climate Star Rating
- Listing on the GaDOE-PBIS webpage as an active PBIS school
- Eligibility to serve as a demonstration site for other schools or dignitaries
- Potential invitations to present at state conferences and webinars
Additionally, 48 Gwinnett schools have been named Operational Schools. This includes 28 elementary schools such as Benefield ES and Berkeley Lake ES; nine middle schools including Berkmar MS and Creekland MS; ten high schools such as Berkmar HS and Brookwood HS; along with GIVE East.
The Georgia Department of Education annually recognizes institutions that support a positive school climate by implementing the PBIS framework. The recognition system highlights those exemplifying best practices in its application.
PBIS assists educational institutions in building systems capacity for multi-tiered social-emotional-behavioral support. It serves as an operational framework to achieve these goals. More than 1,400 Georgia schools and over 27,000 nationwide have undergone PBIS training.